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Supporters say Hussain was 14 when sentenced to death for murder of a seven-year-old, after confession his lawyers say police obtained by torture![]() |
Shafqat Hussain was 14
when sentenced to death
Pakistan has hanged a man whose execution was repeatedly postponed amid international pressure over claims that he was a child at the time he murdered a boy more than a decade ago.
Shafqat Hussain was executed at 4.30am local time in the central jail in the southern city of Karachi. He had had four last-minute reprieves in recent months.
He was sentenced in 2004 by an anti-terrorism court for kidnapping and killing a seven-year-old boy who had gone missing from an apartment building in Karachi, where Hussain worked as a watchman.
The hanging took place despite last-minute attempts to spare him, including a request by the Sindh Human Rights Commission, a statutory body, for a supreme court inquiry into a case that has already been reviewed by the country’s top court.
Central to the campaign by human rights groups was the claim Hussain was 14 at the time of the alleged crime, and therefore ineligible for execution under Pakistani law. His lawyers also arguedhe was tortured by police into making a confession.
“Pakistan authorities have never undertaken a proper, judicial investigation into either issue,” the rights group Justice Project Pakistan said after Hussain’s execution.
“Instead seizing and refusing to release key evidence such as Shafqat’s school record, which could have provided proof that he was under 18 when he was sentenced to death.”
The police have insisted Hussain was 23 when he was arrested.
Despite the vigorous campaign to spare Hussain, which received backing from United Nations experts, some lawyers who have reviewed the case have remained unconvinced.
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Pakistan: impiccato Shafqat Hussain, era un bambino al momento del crimine
La mobilitazione delle organizzazioni per i diritti umani non è riuscita a fermare l’esecuzione di Shafqat Hussain, il giovane pakistano arrestato nel 2004 per il sequestro e l’omicidio di un bambino di sette anni.
Hussain è stato impiccato in un carcere di Karachi. Secondo la difesa all’epoca dell’omicidio aveva appena 15 anni e, in quanto minorenne, non poteva essere condannato a morte. Inoltre – sempre secondo i legali della famiglia – la confessione, poi ritrattata, gli sarebbe stata estorta con la tortura.
Nel 2015 il Pakistan è il terzo Paese al mondo per numero di esecuzioni. Ci sono già state 180 impiccagioni da dicembre, quando, dopo la strage dei talebani in una scuola con oltre 150 morti, è stata sospesa la moratoria in vigore dal 2008.
Shafqat Hussain was executed at 4.30am local time in the central jail in the southern city of Karachi. He had had four last-minute reprieves in recent months.
He was sentenced in 2004 by an anti-terrorism court for kidnapping and killing a seven-year-old boy who had gone missing from an apartment building in Karachi, where Hussain worked as a watchman.
The hanging took place despite last-minute attempts to spare him, including a request by the Sindh Human Rights Commission, a statutory body, for a supreme court inquiry into a case that has already been reviewed by the country’s top court.
Central to the campaign by human rights groups was the claim Hussain was 14 at the time of the alleged crime, and therefore ineligible for execution under Pakistani law. His lawyers also arguedhe was tortured by police into making a confession.
“Pakistan authorities have never undertaken a proper, judicial investigation into either issue,” the rights group Justice Project Pakistan said after Hussain’s execution.
“Instead seizing and refusing to release key evidence such as Shafqat’s school record, which could have provided proof that he was under 18 when he was sentenced to death.”
The police have insisted Hussain was 23 when he was arrested.
Despite the vigorous campaign to spare Hussain, which received backing from United Nations experts, some lawyers who have reviewed the case have remained unconvinced.
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Pakistan: impiccato Shafqat Hussain, era un bambino al momento del crimine
La mobilitazione delle organizzazioni per i diritti umani non è riuscita a fermare l’esecuzione di Shafqat Hussain, il giovane pakistano arrestato nel 2004 per il sequestro e l’omicidio di un bambino di sette anni.

Nel 2015 il Pakistan è il terzo Paese al mondo per numero di esecuzioni. Ci sono già state 180 impiccagioni da dicembre, quando, dopo la strage dei talebani in una scuola con oltre 150 morti, è stata sospesa la moratoria in vigore dal 2008.
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